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无助一词的由来虽然无从查证,但极可能是英文 helpless 一词的中文翻译:help=帮助,-less=没有,于是 helpless 等于“没有帮助”。把 helpless 翻译成“无助”再方便不过了。可惜,英文的 help 含义不只是“外来的帮助”,还有“自己的努力”:


1 Provide (a person etc.) with what is needed for a purpose; aid, assist. Also, supply the needs of, succour. Freq. in imper., expr. a need for assistance. OE. b With inf., with or without direct obj.: give help or assistance to do etc. or to do etc. ME.

2 Benefit, do good to; be of use or service to; profit. OE. b verb intrans. Be of use or service; avail. OE. c verb trans. Make (an action, process, etc.) more effective; assist in achieving; promote, further. LME.

3 Relieve or cure (a disease etc.); remedy, amend. Long arch. OE. b Succour in distress or misfortune; deliver, save (from, of); spec. cure of a disease. ME.

4 Make an effort on one’s own behalf; do what is needed for oneself; extricate oneself from a difficulty. ME.

5  Assist (a person etc.) to progress in a specified direction. ME. b Foll. by with: assist (a person) to put, take, or get something (esp. an article of clothing) on, off, etc. ME. c Give assistance in dealing with. E19.

6 Avoid, obviate, prevent, remedy; cause to be otherwise; refrain from, forbear. LME. b With neg. omitted after a neg. expressed or implied. Be unavoidable. colloq. M19.

7 Foll. by to: assist (a person) in obtaining, provide or present with; refl. (also absol. without to) provide oneself (with), take for oneself, euphem. take without permission, steal. Cf. sense 8. LME.

8 Serve (a person) with food etc. (foll. by to); serve (food etc.). L17.



1 Lacking help or assistance; needy. Often passing into sense 2. ME.

2 Unable to help oneself; incapable.

来源:Shorter OED*, p 1232



*缩写说明:OE=Old English(古英语)、ME=Middle English(中古英语)、LME=Late Middle English、E19=Early 19th Century(19世纪早期)、M19=Middle 19th Century、L=late。


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  1. […] 普通人通常是不怎么查字典或者词典的。这是因为中国话天天听,天天讲,早就学会了,做学生时候也学过了十好几年的语文课,该查的字和词早就查过了。中国人之于汉语是这样,外国人之于他们的母语也差不多如此。但对于把英语当外语来学的中国人来说,情况完全不同,英语词典非但要查,而且还要勤查,勤查好词典。英语词典自然是要查的,但汉语词典也得时不时查一查,这样才能解决学生时代没有察觉的问题。今天我就来说说我对查英语词典的一些看法和经历。 […]

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