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现在,不少人把美国首都(Washington, District of Columbia, the U.S.A.)称为“华盛顿特区”或者“华盛顿哥伦比亚特区”。其实,这两种称呼都不准确。它的正确全称应该是“美国哥伦比亚特区华盛顿市”。

美国另外还有华盛顿州(State of Washington),该州的首府西雅图是波音公司的总部所在地,位于美国的太平洋沿岸,而首都华盛顿则位于大西洋沿岸。一东一西。为避免混淆,中文里一直都称美国首都为“美国首都华盛顿”。



Washington, D.C. (“District of Columbia”), city and capital of the United States of America. The city is coextensive with the District of Columbia and is located at the head of navigation of the Potomac River, which separates it from Virginia to the southwest. In 1790 Congress designated 100 square miles (260 square km) of territory for the seat of government for the new nation on land ceded by Maryland and Virginia. However, in the mid-19th century the land south of the Potomac was returned to Virginia, and since then the District’s boundaries have made it essentially a 68-square-mile (177-square-km) enclave carved from Maryland. The greater Washington metropolitan area includes several surrounding counties in Maryland and Virginia and such Virginia cities as Fairfax, Falls Church, and Alexandria. Pop. (1990) city, 606,900; Washington PMSA, 4,223,485; Washington–Baltimore CMSA, 6,727,050; (2000) city, 572,059; Washington PMSA, 4,923,153; Washington–Baltimore CMSA, 7,608,070.

Washington, D.C., Encyclopedia Britannica


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